🌿Now offering Medicinal Cannabis Certifications 🌿

Lisa Risner
Targeted Case Manager
Meet Lisa, our dedicated Case Manager at Bluegrass Behavioral Health & Consulting Services
Lisa is a compassionate and dedicated Case Manager who is deeply committed to making a meaningful impact in the lives of individuals and families. With a focus on guiding others toward stability and empowerment, Lisa brings years of experience working with children and families in Montgomery County. Her background in Early Childhood Education, combined with her hands-on experience, equips her with the skills and perspective needed to support clients in navigating life’s challenges.
Lisa holds a master’s degree from Morehead State University and is currently pursuing a Master of Social Work (MSW) degree to enhance her clinical skills and further her ability to serve others with expertise and care. Her commitment to personal growth and professional development reflects her passion for providing empathetic, client-centered support.
Outside of her work, Lisa finds joy in spending time with her family, reading devotionals, and nurturing her love for nature through growing flowers on the farm and outdoor adventures. She also treasures time with her family pets, which include three dogs and two goats, adding warmth and laughter to her daily life.
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National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
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Fax (859) 432-3044
Bluegrass Behavioral Health & Consulting Services
601 Doe Run Drive Suite 5 Mount Sterling, KY
Office hours Monday-Friday 9A-5P
DISCLAIMER: Providers within Bluegrass Behavioral Health & Consulting Services are independent contractors, with limited exception, who are not employees of Bluegrass Behavioral Health & Consulting Services, PLLC. Independent contractors are responsible for their own work hours, liability coverage, and patient treatment plans.